Welcome from the Principal


    In recent years the Ngaanyatjarra people and the Department of Education have agreed that we need to work together so that Ngaanyatjarra students have a good education.

    Our school confronts many challenges. The usual practices of an English-based Western education differ considerably from those of the Ngaanyatjarra community, deeply rooted in traditional language and culture. The remoteness of the school and the wide dispersion of our campuses magnify the obstacles we face.

    We are making a major effort to work more closely with parents and other community members. There are other significant initiatives we have introduced to create a sustainable and meaningful educational program for our students.

    We are constantly on the lookout for accomplished teachers who want to join us on our journey to meet the expectations of the Ngaanyatjarra people. These staff members will be capable classroom practitioners, prepared to learn in an unfamiliar environment, and able to work effectively with colleagues and Ngaanyatjarra parents and community members.

    Life in the Western Desert can be deeply satisfying. The environment is stunningly beautiful with a rich biodiversity. The Ngaanyatjarra culture remains intimately connected to Tjukurrpa (the Dreaming), the land and traditional kinship patterns. Teachers will experience a slice of life out here that few non-Indigenous Australians will ever experience during their lifetime.

    I have the good fortune of sharing my work with a very able staff and strong community leaders. It is a privilege to be Principal in this school.

    Warm regards

    Jason Van Poelgeest
    Executive Principal