Blackstone Campus
The Blackstone community
In the 1950s a company established a work site to mine nickel in the Blackstone Ranges. When the miners left after a few years, Yarnangu people transported the abandoned materials some distance to a water supply provided by a bore. This became the site for present-day Blackstone, also known as Papulankutja.
Blackstone is 205 kms east of Warburton and situated on ‘Bottom Road’ midway between Jameson and Wingellina.
Many of the older Ngaanyatjarra-speaking residents of Blackstone were raised on the Warburton Mission, while some of the older Pitjantjatjara-speaking locals grew up on the Ernabella Mission over the South Australian border.
There is a strong tradition of art and craft that includes woodwork, grass baskets, jewellery made from nuts and seeds, and acrylic painting on canvas.
Services in our community
The community has a hall, school, indoor swimming pool, store, office, clinic, women’s centre, thriving art centre, and a media centre.
Our campus facilities
Blackstone Campus has an ECE room, a Primary classroom and a High School room. Other facilities include a large T&E shed, library and a home economics room. The grounds are attractive with trees, grass and play equipment.
Our students
The number of students enrolled fluctuates from the high 30’s to low 40’s. Students enrolled range from Kindy to High school.
Our teachers
We have one teacher for each learning area with the campus being supported by local Yarnagu educators (AIEOs).