Our School's Purpose
Our purpose is to ensure our students are well prepared to live a good life on the Lands. The broad expectation of the community is that their children will stay on the Lands, like Ngaanyatjarra people have done for generations, in an environment they hold dear. However, the Ngaanyatjarra lifestyle is changing and being strong culturally will not be sufficient to enable future generations to live good lives within their communities. They will also need the skills necessary to become productive community members and leaders, interact meaningfully with the outside world and live outside the Lands, if that is what they wish to do. These will require the skills that can be developed while they are at school in the Lands.
The approach of the Ngaanyatjarra Lands School is a two-way learning school. We expect members of the teaching staff to work closely with Ngaanyatjarra staff, malparara way. Our school aims to ensure that our students become constructive and informed members of Ngaanyatjarra society. Equally, we aim to ensure that they are able to transition successfully into the wider Australian society when they choose to do so.