Big Picture Education - Founded in 2006, Big Picture Education Australia (BPEA) is a non-profit company working with our school. They support us to engage our secondary students through the creation of personalised education programs that are relevant and meaningful.
Warakurna Campus Facebook -
The Ngaanyatjarra Lands are governed by the Ngaanyatjarra Council.
Key services are provided through the Ngaanyatjarra Shire.
Several of our communities have art centres that have won international acclaim for the painting, weaving, carving and glass work of local artists. Large exhibitions of art from the Warburton Arts Project have been mounted in Chinese cities.
NgMedia is a vibrant locally owned corporation that has been established to share the stories of the Ngaanyatjarra people through multimedia. Other communities have highly rated art centres including Warrakurna, Blackstone and Tjukurla.
Wilurarra Creative is a centre that provides activities for Ngaanyatjarra youth.
NPY Women's Council - The information and news provided on this website will help you gain a better understanding of why the women of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara Lands formed the organisation, and how they go about their work. As a membership led organisation, their work is vital to the women and families across the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands for maintaining and building a better future for all communities in the region.