Tjukurla Campus

    The Tjukurla community

    Tjukurla was originally established as an outstation for Docker River , which was established in 1968 as a government settlement and ration depot. Once a bore had been drilled at Tjukurla in the early 80’s the population grew from people moving on from Docker River, Kintore and Warakurna. Community infrastructure gradually developed and by 1986 the community was permanently occupied. In the following year it became incorporated.

    Basket making is one of the craft specialties of the women in this community and they have a highly regarded art movement.

    Tjukurla is located in the sandhill country on the edge of Lake Hopkins, halfway between Warakurna in WA and Kintore in the NT.

    Services in our community

    Tjukurla has a hall, store, airstrip, school, library, art centre, and office.

    Our campus facilities

    Our campus has two classrooms, an office/staffroom and a resource room.

    Tjukurla campus is currently not operating